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Articles, Essays, Reviews 

Twenty-First Century Demoniac (Substack)


Current reads #1 (2023)

'The modern myth of the divine feminine' (2023) 

'Everyday banality and the myth of the moment' (2023)

'Social media, shame, spectacle' (2023) 

'Dispossessing pathological femininity' (2023) 

'Dispatches from the healthcare trenches' (2023) 

'On memories and childhood and memories of childhood' (2023)

'Active recovery and engaging critically with wellness culture' (2023) 

'I am (still) not writing a novel' (2022)

'Social media needs a new look' (2022)

'Livin' la vida extremely online' (2022)

'Calorie counting, 'waif girl', and Tesco as a battleground(2022)



'Five Reasons Why You've Missed A Period' on the Fab Little Bag Flow Blog (2022) 


'VESSEL: A tender yet powerful performance' in the Oxford Blue (2022) 


'“Have you tried contraception?” On menstrual health, mental health, and male doctors' in the Oxford Blue (2022) 


'BRAIN FREEZE: Passion, talent, and experience create a powerful production' in the Oxford Blue (2022) 


Speaking about Murder in Argos in ''Murder In Argos: In Conversation with Co-Directors Helena Aeberli and Jahnavi Bhatia' by Dania Kamal Aryf in the Oxford Student (2021) 


Review: Home Fires in the Cherwell (2021) 


'Getting all dressed up to cut herself: Platinum Blonde by Phoebe Stuckes' in the Turl (2021) 


'A stage of one’s own: a review of ‘And the Walls Spoke’' in the Oxford Blue (2020)


'Simulacrum: Producing a Play in the Pandemic' in the Oxford Blue (2020)


Review of Stella Tillyard's 'Aristocrats' in Kronos (2020)


'Blunting the Knives: Disruption and Disintegration in the Life and Art of David Wojnarowicz' in the Broad Street Humanities Review (2020)


'Coronavirus Has Removed The Grandeur Of British Politics And Exposed The Government’s Incompetence' in the Oxford Blue (2020)


'Lonely Books: A Solitary Reading List' in the Oxford Blue (2020)


'Birdsong in Lockdown: It is our silent spring, not theirs' in Louder Than The Storm (2020) 


'A Force To Be Reckoned With: Mrs America Reminds Us That The Feminist Battle Is Far From Won' in the Oxford Student


'Careers in Crisis: Covid Changing the Way We Work'  in the Oxford Student (2020)


On comfort reading in crisis, 'Tales from the bookshelf: The Lord of the Rings' in the Oxford Blue (2020) 


'A literary snack: Bonjour Tristesse' in the Oxford Student (2020) 


'It's time to acknowledge the problems with Pride' in the Oxford Student (2020)

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